In its annual environmental performance assessment of Europe’s major tissue manufacturers, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) again gave its highest marks to SCA Tissue. WWF, one of the world’s largest independent conservation organizations with a global network that is active in more than 100 countries, annually assesses the five major European tissue manufacturers across a range of environmental criteria, including levels of recycled content, wood sourcing practices, pollution control and transparency in operations.
Of the five companies evaluated, only SCA Tissue received a green rating in 2006 from WWF based on earning a score of 69% out of a possible 100%. Only one of the other four companies achieved a score of over 50%. SCA Tissue also was the only company to show major improvement in the WWF assessment from 2005 when it also received the highest score. The five companies evaluated account for 75% of the European tissue market.
SCA Tissue Europe was “the only manufacturer able to ensure that wood fibers used in its products don’t come from poorly managed forests,” WWF stated in a news release announcing the results. “This manufacturer also promotes the highest environmental and social standards in forest management, reaching 89% of the achievable scores on sourcing.”
SCA Tissue Europe shares a corporate culture of environmental stewardship with its counterpart in North America and with its parent company. From its use of recycled raw materials and a “mill of origin” program that cuts transportation fuel usage to chlorine-free bleaching processes, industry-leading water conservation measures and innovative dispensing systems that reduce paper consumption, SCA Tissue North America is a recognized environmental leader.