In this picture of a hazardous hospital room, how many Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) violations can you spot? Some of the violations are fairly obvious, but others will require a keen eye and a strong knowledge of OSHA regulations.
“Both the room and its occupant are fictional creations,” said Benjamin Mangan, president and founder of MANCOMM, “but OSHA regulations and safety awareness are very real concerns, and employees at all businesses should always be on the lookout for potential workplace hazards.”
(The professionals at MANCOMM, a publishing company specializing in safety products, created this picture through extensive Photoshop retouching.)
Consider yourself well-versed in OSHA matters if you can spot at least seven violations – more are listed in the answers. For an extra challenge, see if you can quote the regulation number addressing each violation.
Check back next week for answers!