The TFM Show® (sponsored by Today’s Facility Manager magazine) is the nation’s premier forum for senior facility management executives from every corner of the world. It is the only FM event that offers a comprehensive program including top notch educational courses, an exhibit hall displaying the latest facility products, services, and technologies, networking events, and one-of-a-kind facility tours.
The TFM Show’s educational program is developed through collaborations with top associations, educators, and leading organizations. Facility management practitioners, academicians, and researchers alike are invited to share their knowledge, experience, and expertise at the 10th annual TFM Show.
A completed submission form is required for each individual presentation. The submission process allows potential speakers to submit the appropriate information in a timely manner and will be open to accept proposals from June 19 through September 15, 2006. (EXTENDED ONE WEEK from September 8, 2006)
When entering a session proposal, the submitter will be asked to enter the names, complete contact information, and qualifications for each person participating in the session. A Primary Contact must be identified, as the person who will receive all correspondence regarding this proposal and be responsible for communicating to the rest of the session participants. Proposals sent by e-mail, fax, or mail will not be accepted or considered.
To submit a presentation and take advantage of the new Sept. 15 deadline, click this link.