Today’s Facility Manager: September 2014
The HVAC Factor: Hybrid Operating Rooms | Gaining ground in healthcare facilities, these spaces call for careful HVAC system planning.
Professional Development: Finding Future Facility Managers | Job placement for FM graduates is nearly 100%, yet there are not enough FM degree programs or graduates to fill the FM vacancies coming available.
Services & Maintenance: For Safety’s Sake | Deep knowledge of a facility’s water system is the first step to safety when ensuring a healthy supply.
Energy Management Trends: Stepping Up Energy Management | Led by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Better Buildings Challenge garners results in many different types of facilities.
FM Issue: Mission Critical Training | Even with the best equipment in place, employee knowledge is crucial to reliability.
Hospital Case Study: Rebirth In New Orleans | New Orleans East Hospital has replaced a facility put out of operation by Katrina in 2005. Sidebar covers NFPA 99: Health Care Facilities Code update.
Special Feature: Forklifts And Freight Terminal Doors | A common headache for facility managers in industrial settings is damage to doors.
Renewable Energy: The Role Of Demand Response | The proliferation of renewable energy will be spurred by participation in these programs.
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