Top 10 U.S. Cities Bothered By Ticks

Spring is in full bloom and so is the tick population throughout the country. TruGreen has released its first list of the U.S. cities most bothered by ticks.

Spring is in full bloom and so is the tick population throughout the country. With that in mind, TruGreen has released its first top 10 list of U.S. cities most bothered by ticks.

(Photo: Richard Bartz – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,

Ticks can transmit disease and cause allergic reactions in both people and pets. For the first time, TruGreen is breaking out data on cities bothered by ticks because of the rising prevalence of tick-borne illnesses including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever¹. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year more than 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported nationwide, and studies suggest that the number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease is closer to 300,0001.

Based on TruGreen sales and service data, these U.S. cities are most bothered by ticks:

  1. Chicago, IL
  2. Hartford, CT
  3. Boston, MA
  4. New Monmouth, NJ
  5. Washington, DC
  6. Rapid City, SD
  7. Boise, ID
  8. Dayton, OH
  9. Pittsburgh, PA
  10. St. Louis, MO

“Many people believe that ticks do not survive the winter, but ticks are extremely resilient and seek shelter in decaying foliage until temperatures rise,” said John Bell, board certified entomologist and TruGreen regional technical manager. “As people head out into their yards to enjoy life outside this spring, we know protecting family and friends from disease-carrying insects is a priority. Our TruShield(SM) service targets ticks where they live and kills the immature larvae and nymph stages and adults to reduce the number of ticks in your yard.”

People who work or spend time outdoors can help protect themselves regardless of their geography by:

  • Keeping grass no more than three inches high, trimming shrubs and other lawn vegetation, and moving decaying brush to reduce tick hiding places.
  • Wearing long pants tucked into high socks to help reduce points of entry when spending time in or near high vegetation.
  • Using a DEET-based insect repellant, especially on your ankles, wrists and neck.
  • Outfitting pets with flea and tick collars to help decrease ticks over time and reduce ticks in the home.
  • Considering the suggestion of the Centers for Disease Control and use a professional lawn care company to help reduce your exposure to the threat of ticks².

The list of cities most bothered by ticks was developed by TruGreen based on an analysis of customer sales and service data from January 2017 to December 2017.

¹ “Lyme and other tickborne diseases.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, April 12, 2018.

² “Stop Ticks.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 19, 2017.

Building Envelope, Environment, Facilities Management, Featured, Security & Safety

Boise, Boston, Chicago, Dayton, Hartford, Lyme disease, New Monmouth, Pests, Pittsburgh, Rapid City, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, St. Louis, tick control, tick-born illnesses, TruGreen, Washington DC

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