Tricks Of The Trade: Meeting Room Scheduling Signage

TFM Columnist Jim Elledge recommends a few solutions for creating customized signs from existing scheduling programs.

By James C. Elledge, IFMA Fellow, CFM, FMA, RPA, RIAQM
Published in the March 2011 issue of Today’s Facility Manager

Q Can you recommend a meeting room scheduling program that can also print out customized room signs? We’ve been using Meeting Room Manager, but it’s not meeting all our needs.

Denise Pinel

Facilities Coordinator
Cooperative of American Physicians
Los Angeles, CA

A Before we throw the baby out with the bath water, let’s take another look. From my understanding, Meeting Room Manager uses SQL for its database. If so, then you could use Microsoft Access to create a query with the data for the signage. Then, using something like Word or Publisher, you could import the information from Access and create your signs on demand.

Not knowing what type of signs you need makes it difficult to recommend a specific program. You can review other similar programs by conducting a Google search to see if you can find one with the extra desired features.

All questions have been submitted via the “Ask The Expert” portion of the magazine’s web site. To pose a question, visit this link.

Ask The Expert, Columnists, Interior Design, Magazine, Retired Categories, Retired Columnists

Meeting Room Manager, meeting rooms, signage, TFM-March-2011

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