Workplace & Interiors

Should Return-To-Work Mandates Take A More Flexible Approach?

return-to-work mandates
Remote work and return-to-work strategies are more complicated than many executives and employees acknowledge, reveals new HireQuest report.

Better Buildings Initiative Partners Reach Nearly $22B In Energy Savings

Better Buildings program
A new DOE report recognizes public and private Better Buildings program partners’ efforts to decarbonize and increase the energy efficiency of the nation’s buildings, manufacturing plants, and homes.

Are These Workplace Abbreviations NSFW?

workplace abbreviations
Do you know what WFH, KPI and EOD mean? A new study reveals which workplace acronyms are confusing Americans the most.

DOE Tags $9M To Support Clean Manufacturing

Clean Manufacturing
Funding will help 47 small-and medium-sized manufacturers improve energy efficiency, lower costs, increase productivity, and reduce industrial emissions.

Maintaining The Right Light In WELL-Certified Buildings

WELL certification
The WELL Building Standard emphasizes natural light integration, appropriate lighting levels, and the quality of electric lighting. Here are 5 tips for maintaining WELL certification.

Corporate Real Estate Leaders Anticipate Increased Investment

Corporate Real Estate Investment
Looking ahead, 65% of business leaders plan to increase their CRE budgets between now and 2030, expect smarter use of their portfolio.

Biophilia: Designing With Nature

Biophilia, biophilic design
Biophilic design incorporates natural elements in the workplace, and can boost creativity, productivity, and overall employee well-being.

4 Defining Trends Of The Next 5 Years In Facilities Management

facility management
Rapid advancements in the facility management industry are transforming how facilities are operated and maintained—and will continue to do so.

Exceeding Safety Requirements

flame retardant building materials
How using flame retardant building materials can create more resilient buildings.

Flexibility In Change: Making The Office Work For Employees

A facility manager needs to keep the office environment nimble and utilize space wisely.

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