Developed by Waterless Co., makers of Waterless No-Flush™ urinals of Vista, CA, the evaluation sheet asks facility managers a series of simple questions. The free evaluation form is designed to help facility managers determine if waterless urinal systems will help them save money, as well as water.
Questions include:
* How many males populate the facility
* Number of urinals in the facility
* Hours of operation
* Amount of water used per urinal, per flush
* Local water and sewer rates per 1,000 gallons
Waterless Co. notes that most urinals use between one and three gallons of water, depending on whether they were manufactured before or after 1992. Studies also indicate that each male in a facility uses a urinal about three times per day.
“The facility’s total cost of water is on the water bill,” says Klaus Reichardt, managing partner of Waterless Co. “This evaluation sheet lets facility managers know approximately how much they are spending just to provide potable water for urinals.”
According to Reichardt, the evaluation sheet, which is available in either manual or electronic spreadsheet form, also allows facility managers, who have already installed waterless urinal systems, to compare their maintenance costs to a conventional urinal.
“These costs do not apply to cleaning the urinal,” informs Reichardt, “since cleaning a conventional and waterless urinal are very similar. What it compares is the typical annual repair and plumbing costs of a conventional urinal and the annual costs for trap cylinders and other products necessary to maintain a waterless system.”
Although some assumptions must be made, Reichardt says most facility managers find the evaluation sheet provides a workable picture of how much money conventional urinals are costing them. “In some facilities, they may find a waterless system will not save them enough money to warrant their installation,” he says, “but others may find that waterless systems will save them considerable sums annually.”
Facility managers can request an evaluation sheet by e-mailing to