Zurn Elkay Water Solutions Corporation announced its combined lead and PFOA / PFOS (PFAS) filtration integrated initiative into Elkay bottle filling stations and faucets for schools, hospitals, airports and other commercial and residential applications. The 2,250-gallon WaterSentry 71300C product is certified to reduce PFOA and PFOS, two of the most prevalent PFAS contaminants, as well as lead, cysts, Class I particulates, and chlorine taste and odor from drinking water under NSF/ANSI 42 and 53. There are additional environmental benefits as well, as the 2,250-gallon capacity equates to eliminating the use of 14,400 single-use 20-ounce plastic water bottles.
The filter utilizes highly engineered activated carbon to absorb contaminants. To achieve certification for PFAS reduction, a filter must reduce the PFAS chemicals down to a concentration that is 250 times less than what is required for lead certification.
For ease of maintenance, the 71300C filter is equipped with a quick-disconnect, ¼-turn installation and an automatic inlet shut-off valve that closes when the filter is removed. The self-contained replaceable cartridges help to limit exposure to contaminated media when performing routine filter changes. With Fillsafe recognition, new filters are automatically recognized and the filter status light will return to green.
The filtration product is designed and engineered to work with Elkay’s existing drinking water products and bottle filling stations. Elkay’s visual filter monitor comes standard on filtered products to indicate when a filter is nearing and has reached its end of life. In addition to the WaterSentry 71300C filter, Elkay’s lead filter is certified to 6,000 gallons.