A recent milestone for Siemens Building Technologies, Inc, the sale of another million OpenAir Damper Actuators in North America, has yielded a surprising result.
Started in 1997, The OpenAir damper actuator was the first globally developed project for Siemens Building Technologies jointly planned and executed with teams representing both Swiss and U.S. employees.
Siemens GAP teams first celebrated the achievement at the company’s global headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. Bringing the celebration to this side of the Atlantic, Eckstein recently visited Siemens Building Technologies U.S. headquarters in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, where he presented the North American team with a traditional Swiss cow bell to commemorate the special event.
Siemens OpenAir electronic damper actuators include features like direct-coupled connections, a self-centering shaft coupling and pre-cabled plenum options to help technicians install the actuators quickly and accurately. System engineers can count on reliable, failsafe operation, stall protection functions and accurate control of speed, torque and braking in a durable compact package. Siemens OpenAir electronic damper actuators are ideal for a broad variety of applications including, terminal units, multi-zone mixing boxes, outside air dampers, zone isolation dampers, vortex dampers, economizer units and return air dampers.