Avatech Solutions, Inc. is offering buyers and end users of Facilities Management (FM) technology a series of free Webcasts in September and October. These online events will focus on Autodesk® FMDesktop, one of the newest and most scalable FM software products on the market today.
Avatech’s FM experts have produced in-depth and general overview sessions for Autodesk® FMDesktop to cater to both facilities managers responsible for overall efficiency and productivity, as well as end-users who will need insight into day-to-day functionality. Specifically, the Webinars will examine how the components that make up FMDesktop can be leveraged to manage facilities drawings, data, and processes to increase the business value of facilities information to an organization.
“These seminars will show how, from a single seat, standalone installation to deployment across an organization, FMDesktop can meet the specific needs of virtually any facilities manager,” said Aaron Bukowitz, vice president, FM Solutions at Avatech Solutions.
Dates, Times
Tues., Sept. 26, 2 p.m.: Space and Asset Management (More in-depth look at how FMDesktop allows facilities managers to increase efficiencies and access to information through space and asset management functionality.)
Tues., Oct. 3, 2 p.m.: FMDesktop Version 7 release (Learn about the new features and benefits, including the new interoperability between FMDesktop and Autodesk® Architectural Desktop) *N.B. Presented by Autodesk
Tues., Oct. 10, 10 a.m.: Work Order Management (Learn how FMDesktop can help facilities managers better track work orders, use the data to analyze trends in maintenance issues, and increase overall response time to service orders and customer satisfaction.)
All times Eastern.
Participants can register online at www.avatech.com/news/events.