The $10,000 gift from the office furniture manufacturer will help support 24 programs for visually impaired children and adults. Chicago Lighthouse is a social service agency dedicated to assisting people with visual challenges. Programs offered include the nation’s oldest low vision clinic, a nationally acclaimed school for children with multi-disabilities, and a legal clinic helping blind people fight discrimination.
The gift from Kimball Office was part of its “See People at Work” activities during the recent NeoCon trade show in Chicago. The company notes that the amount of the gift was made possible, in part, by the record number of designers and facility managers who visited its Wells Street showroom. Kimball Office donated $10 for every scanned visitor.
“All of us here at the Chicago Lighthouse appreciate this very generous donation from Kimball Office. It will assist our efforts in helping people who are blind or visually impaired lead richer, more independent lives,” says Lighthouse public relations director, Dominic Calabrese.
“Respect, dignity and service are among our core values,” says Jeff Fenwick, vice president/ general manager, Kimball Office. “We’re honored to be able to support the Chicago Lighthouse in giving Chicagoland’s visually impaired children and adults the skills they need to be valued members of the community.”