NEW SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: Seismic Assessment From VFA, Inc.

This service helps organizations identify their risk of damage from earthquake activity using an industry-accepted methodology.

VFA, Inc., a provider of end-to-end solutions for facilities capital planning and spend management, has announced a new Seismic Assessment solution to provide organizations with a cost-effective, flexible approach to mitigate seismic risks.

VFA’s Seismic Assessment Service helps organizations identify seismic-related components within their facilities using an industry-accepted methodology based on guidelines published by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA), the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). With this critical data captured in VFA.facility®—VFA’s capital planning and management software—organizations are then empowered to make the best strategic decisions to improve the overall seismic performance of their buildings.

VFA’s Seismic Assessment solution collects and analyzes seismic risk-related data on both the structural and non-structural components of a building. When facility professionals capture seismic-related risk data, there is a tendency to focus on the structural aspects of a building—those that resist gravity, earthquake, wind, and other types of loads. While this is important, non-structural components (such as light fixtures and vending machines) are often associated with the greatest level of damage and need to be incorporated with the same level of priority. Risks of seismic damage include life safety, property loss, and the possibility that a facility may not continue operations.

VFA’s Seismic Assessment Service has been deployed at customers such as a large state agency and healthcare system.

FacilityBlog, Interior Design, New Service Spotlights, Security & Safety, Technology

Earthquakes, Emergency Preparedness, new service spotlight, seismic, Technology, VFA

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