Start Saving Water: New Code Resource For Water Efficiency

2015 WEP: Water Efficiency Provisions of the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) provides the most contemporary requirements for designers, policy makers, and the construction community who are looking for ways to deal with severe droughts and the need to better conserve water.


No matter where your facility is located, water efficiency and conservation seem to be on every facility executive’s list of priorities these days. If you’re ready to start saving water in and around your facility now, a new code resource has just been made available from the International Code Council (ICC) and ASHRAE. 2015 WEP: Water Efficiency Provisions of the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) is the most complete code resource on water conservation and efficiency, and includes water-related IgCC provisions to support jurisdictions facing critical water challenges and drought.

“The updated WEP provides the most contemporary requirements for designers, policy makers, and the construction community who are looking for ways to deal with severe droughts and the need to better conserve one of life’s most precious resources — water,” said Dominic Sims, CBO, Chief Executive Officer of the ICC. “The WEP provides a concise and comprehensive resource to address the challenges associated with water scarcity.”

code-resource-for-water-efficiencyThe compact, easy-to-use reference includes:

  • Indoor and outdoor water efficiency and conservation provisions from throughout the 2015 International Green Construction Code
  • 2015 International Plumbing Code, Chapter 13 on Nonpotable Water Systems
  • Water use provisions from ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES 189.1-2014 Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

2015 WEP: Water Efficiency Provisions of the IgCC covers water efficient plumbing, appliances, landscape irrigation, and mechanical systems. Plus, it features the latest provisions for alternate water sources like rainwater, graywater, and reclaimed water. The publication promotes water conservation associated with both the building and the building site addressing numerous systems and components.

The 2015 WEP: Water Efficiency Provisions of the IgCC can be purchased online in soft cover format or PDF download.

Environment, Facilities Management, FacilityBlog, FM Alert

ASHRAE, Codes, Environment, ICC, International Green Construction Code, Sustainability, Water Conservation, water-efficiency

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