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Canada Names Greenest Employers for 2023

Several organizations have been recognized by the Canada’s Top 100 Employers editorial competition as Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2023.

green employers

Canada’s Top 100 Employers project revealed Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2023. Now in its 16th year, the editorial competition acknowledges employers that are creating a culture of environmental awareness in their organizations and have developed and implemented exceptional sustainability initiatives.

To compile this list, each employer is evaluated by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers in terms of 1) the unique environmental initiatives and programs they have developed; (2) the extent to which they have been successful in reducing the organization’s own environmental footprint; (3) the degree to which their employees are involved in these programs and whether they contribute any unique skills; and (4) the extent to which these initiatives have become linked to the employer’s public identity, attracting new employees and clients to the organization.

All organizations made the environment a priority in how they run their business, with ambitious targets aimed at reducing their organization’s own carbon footprint. Keilhauer, a North American furniture manufacturer, was one of the company’s recognized. Some accomplishments that earned Keilhauer recognition as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers in 2023 are as follows:

  • Launched the carbon neutral Melete seating collection, officially certified by verified third parties
  • Launched Velvety, a soft zero-waste textile made from partially recycled content, including 11% post-consumer recycled polyester and 5% post-consumer recycled cotton
  • Maintained the company’s blanket-wrapping program, which ships new products to customers wrapped in protective, reusable blankets instead of cardboard boxes. During the 2022 fiscal year, over 58,000 products were wrapped for shipping in these sustainable, eco-conscious blankets.
  • Purchased 500 additional metric tons of carbon credits, in support of the Francis Biedler Improved Forest Management Project, located in South Carolina
  • Published the company’s annual corporate sustainability report
  • Ongoing programs in place to track resource and energy use, including water, air (addressing greenhouse gas emissions and indoor air quality), energy and waste management

Other employers on the list includes ABB Canada, Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, Fleming College, PCL Construction, TD Bank Group, University of Toronto, and more. The full list can be found here.

Any employer operating in Canada may apply for the Canada’s Greenest Employers competition. Employers of any size may apply, whether private or public sector. Applications for the 2024 competition are now available. The 2024 winners will be announced in the spring of 2024 near Earth Day.

Click here for more news about the Environment. 

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ABB Canada, Canada's Greenest Employers, Canada’s Top 100 Employers project, Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, Fleming College, Keilhauer, PCL Construction, Sustainability, TD Bank Group, University of Toronto

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