Roof Express, a provider of roof asset management services based in Greenwood Village, CO, has been approved as a vendor with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and awarded a five-year contract, effective September 4, 2009. The contract is within the Facility Maintenance and Management schedule of the GSA.
“Roof Express has provided roof asset management services on over 4,500 buildings and 42 million square feet of roof area for the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Navy. We are currently implementing roof asset management services for an additional 2,000 buildings and 16 million square feet of roof area for the Air Force,” said Richard Rast, President of Roof Express. “We are excited to have secured a contract with GSA, and believe we are in a position to provide the best roof management consulting service available to the U.S. Government.

Under the GSA Schedules (also referred to as Multiple Award Schedules and Federal Supply Schedules) Program, GSA establishes long-term, government-wide contracts with commercial firms to provide access to over 11 million commercial supplies (products) and services that can be ordered directly from GSA Schedule contractors or through the GSA Advantage!® online shopping and ordering system. GSA Schedules offer customers direct delivery of millions commercial supply items and services at volume discount pricing, in addition to the potential benefits of shorter lead times, lower administrative costs, and reduced inventories.
“Roof Express has become a much needed liaison between our individual Air Force Bases and the Major Command by providing comprehensive roof surveys, data management, reports and training for our personnel. The online database housing our roof information is easily accessible to all levels for optimal decision making and the immediate implementation of critical projects,” said Barbara Wilt, ACC/A7OI, Command Structural Engineer. “We are thrilled that Roof Express is now an approved vendor, providing another contract vehicle that may allow us to reduce lead times and conveniently solicit their services.”