PWR-4™ from Techspray® is a solvent cleaner line. The products serve as suitable replacements for TCE, Perc, nPB, and other toxic industrial solvents. These safer, non-flammable, and cost effective alternatives quickly blast off oil, grease, flux, silicone, dirt, and grime.
The PWR-4 solvent cleaner line features proprietary HFE base solvents. It also provides rapid evaporation with a boiling point of 118°F and 1201 g/l VOC. PWR-4 is available in aerosol or bulk for vapor degreasing, ultrasonic, and immersion cleaning. It is engineered to remain stable and effective over thousands of cycles in vapor degreasing equipment. In addition, PWR-4 is stabilized and safe for metals such as aluminum, magnesium, titanium, and brass.
The PWR-4 Industrial Maintenance Cleaner (#3400) cleans oil and contaminants from contacts, printed circuit boards, barcode instruments, switch boxes, gear boxes, and electronic motor controllers. Grease and oil flow right off, reducing the time and materials needed to scrub off stubborn soils. The PWR-4 Industrial Maintenance Cleaner is offered in 20 ounce aerosols (3400-20S), one gallon (3400-G) or five gallon (3400-5G) metal pails, and 54 gallon metal drums (3400-54G).
PWR-4 Flux Remover (part #3401) cleans away flux residues and other contaminants in vapor cleaning and ultrasonic applications. It removes residues from high temperature lead free soldering operations, no-clean fluxes, and all handling soils. The PWR-4 Flux Remover comes in one gallon (3401-G) or five gallon (3401-5G) metal pails and in 54 gallon metal drums (3401-54G).
n-Propyl Bromide (nPB), Trichloroethylene (TCE), and Perchloroethylene (Perc) are three examples of harmful chemicals. These are commonly used in industrial applications because they are non-flammable, have high solvency, and are relatively inexpensive. Because of safety concerns, they are under close scrutiny by OSHA, EPA, and local agencies. For example, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends a 10 ppm time-weighted average threshold limit for nPB, but has proposed a lower 0.1 ppm (ACGIH 2013). That’s because nPB is a suspected human carcinogen, and has shown to negatively impact neurological and reproductive functioning.