Shooter Detection Systems has announced the technology integration between the its Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System and Everbridge’s leading Critical Event Management (CEM) platform to globally communicate critical incident details in an active shooter attack.
The Guardian System incorporates the acoustic gunshot identification software and combines it with infrared gunfire flash detection to produce the high performing, fully automatic, and accurate gunshot detection technology. Guardian simultaneously detects gunfire and immediately relays this information via a floor plan map with shot location and sends shot location information via text and e-mail to key personnel and building occupants, with no human involvement required and zero false alerts.
Security systems integration, such as automating video surveillance and access control points, harnesses the power of gunshot detection and raises it to the enterprise level.
By integrating the Guardian System with the Everbridge CEM platform, customers can better respond to active shooter situations by pairing the most accurate gunshot detection technology with the best capability for not only locating who is impacted, but also rapidly notifying all relevant stakeholders with incident details and instructions and managing the overall response to the threat.
“The partnership with an industry leader in Critical Event Management like Everbridge complements our mission to align the Guardian System with innovative technology companies passionate about mitigating the active shooter threat,” said Christian Connors, Chief Executive Officer for Shooter Detection Systems. “Our offerings appeal to the same customer base of large corporate enterprises and municipal governments who are proactively addressing the active shooter threat to their organizations.”
In today’s increasingly unpredictable and dangerous world, corporations and communities rely on Everbridge for location-aware incident detection, coordination, and response during events such as an active shooter. The Everbridge CEM platform integrates situational intelligence and threat assessment, the ability to locate impacted people and assets as well as responders, with incident response and after-action analysis capabilities into one cohesive suite of technology.
Mark Terry, director of enterprise physical security at Rackspace and a mutual customer of Shooter Detection Systems and Everbridge, said, “Mass notification was already a critical part of our active shooter emergency response plan. Adding gunshot detection sensors to automate critical messaging the second a shot is fired is an ideal integrated solution. More importantly, we vetted the technology and know we can trust the integration when seconds count.”
By leveraging the Everbridge platform capabilities, Shooter Detection System’s gunshot detection alerts are sent with customized information based on the event. For example, a corporation can choose to send immediate location-aware Active Shooter emergency alerts to occupants of the building with shelter in place or evacuation instructions depending on the proximity of the individuals to the threat. With the Everbridge integration, a corporate enterprise may also choose to send automated alerts to executives, crisis management, and security teams with additional instructions and procedures to keep all stakeholders informed as the event unfolds.
“Organizations continue to face a challenging environment when it comes to improving response times and gaining accountability of their people during active shooter incidents,” said Imad Mouline, CTO, Everbridge. “This new integration with Shooter Detection Systems represents an important step in improving communication by ensuring that the right people are notified, regardless of their location, as soon as a gunshot is detected.”
In late July, Shooter Detection Systems announced an integration partnership with Johnson Controls. That company’s American Dynamics victor Video Management Software now integrates with the Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System, providing users with an automated solution to react in real-time to shots fired in a facility. By reducing the margin of human error, the solution helps to eliminate costly false alerts while enhancing the overall security of any school, business or public venue building.