Posted by Heidi Schwartz
The Call for Entries has opened for the EBie Awardsâ„¢, a national juried competition created by Urban Green Council. The EBie Awards celebrate significant performance improvements in Existing Buildings and the people who made them happen. Entries must be submitted at and are due by March 30, 2015.
The EBiesâ„¢ (EE-bees, short for Existing Buildings) seek to recognize improved environmental performance in existing buildings among facilities managers, building operators, owners, engineers, retro-commissioning agents, and other professionals who conceived and implemented the work. The awards put a spotlight on the real people who have found replicable green solutions that cut energy and water use, reduce waste significantly, make lighting more efficient, engage occupants in sustainability initiatives, and make sustainability improvements across a building portfolio.
Past winners have included:
- Ken Fais, Chief Engineer for Vornado Realty Trust-owned 1740 Broadway in New York City, for increasing recycling by 62%;
- Jesse Dillard, Energy Manager for the Dallas Museum of Art, for reducing energy use by 40%; and
- Steve Allwine, Building Manager for Johnson Braund Offices in Seattle, for reducing water use by 90%.
For each winning entry, Urban Green Council will award an EBie to the individual most responsible for making the project happen, as well as recognize his or her key team members. A complete list of EBie Award categories is available here.