OSHA Seeking Feedback On Voluntary Protection Programs

OSHA will hold a public meeting next month to solicit suggestions for strengthening its Voluntary Protection Programs.

OSHA is seeking to reshape its Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) so that it continues to represent safety and health excellence, leverages partner resources, further recognizes the successes of long-term participants, and supports smart program growth.

Voluntary Protection ProgramsWith that in mind, OSHA will hold a stakeholder meeting next month in Washington, DC, to discuss the future direction of the VPP. The discussion will include comments and suggestions from the public on potential avenues for action.

Some of the questions OSHA invites stakeholder input include:

  • What can the agency do to enhance and encourage the efforts of employers, workers, and unions to identify and address workplace hazards through the VPP?
  • How can the agency support increased participation in VPP while operating with available resources and maintaining the integrity of the program?
  • How can the agency modify VPP to enhance the efforts and engagement of long-term VPP participants?
  • How might the agency modify Corporate VPP for greater leverage and effectiveness?
  • How can the agency further leverage participant resources such as Special Government Employees?

The meeting will be held July 17, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Frances Perkins Building, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210. Those wishing to attend must register by July 10 at VPP Stakeholder Meeting Registration.

Attendees can choose from several levels of participation in the discussion.

For those who may not be able to attend in person, a docket has been opened to receive comments. You can provide your input and/or read others’ comments here. The docket closes September 15, 2017.

In addition, OSHA anticipates hosting a second stakeholder meeting tentatively scheduled to occur in conjunction with the VPPPA National Conference the week of August 28 in New Orleans.

More information about the stakeholder events is available online.

Facilities Management, FacilityBlog, Featured, FM Alert, Professional Development, Security & Safety

meeting, OSHA, Professional Development, stakeholder, Voluntary Protection Programs

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