Facility Executive: April 2018
Volume 31, Number 2
Professional Development: Five Leadership Lessons For My Younger Self | What makes an effective leader, and how can facility executives share their experiences?
Tech And FM: Unified Building Management Systems | Linking building automation with other systems broadens response capabilities.
The HVAC Factor: Optimizing HVAC Systems | The first step to overall improvement is to identify challenges.
Campus Recycles Wastewater | At Emory University in Atlanta, GA, recycling wastewater on-site supplies about one-third of water needs on campus.
Tips For Maintaining Restrooms | Effective practices range from the tried-and-true to high-tech tools.
Beyond Traditional Fire Detection | Surveillance cameras and analytics detect smoke and flames in some facilities today. Plus, electronic sprinklers work together.
Exterior Lighting Retrofits | Consider site and operations requirements when choosing the best equipment for outdoor lighting projects.
Seeing The Way To A Well-Lit Exterior | Avoid unwanted glare from lighting for security and comfort.
Accessibility In Facility Renovations | When changing a building, ADA compliance is often crucial.
Building Shelter From The Storm | In Moore, OK, the school district is building rooms to withstand a tornado.
Four Data Center Trends To Watch In 2018 | Hybrids, edge computing, disaster planning, and GDPR are on the minds of those who plan and operate data center facilities.
Low-Key Flooring | Minimizing maintenance helps maximize occupant satisfaction.
Renewable Energy: Maximizing Roof Space For Solar PV | An alternative to skylights is to install tubular daylighting devices.
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